Technology Partners
Square Box Systems, LTD.
“Square Box Systems is an innovative software company, specializing in the development of multimedia tools. We take the time to carefully listen to all our customers’ needs and support some of the world’s greatest organizations. If you come to us we will work closely with you to find the right solution to your problem.”
“Telestream® specializes in products that make it possible to get video content to any audience regardless of how it is created, distributed or viewed. Throughout the entire digital media lifecycle, from capture to viewing, for consumers through high-end professionals, Telestream products range from desktop components and cross-platform applications to fully-automated, enterprise-class digital media transcoding and workflow systems. Telestream enables users in a broad range of business environments to leverage the value of their video content.”
XenData is a developer and provider of massively scalable on-premises and public cloud data storage systems. With data storage systems installed in over 90 countries, customers using their products for media and entertainment storage applications include TV stations, video production companies, post-production organizations and the media departments of large corporations and government organizations. XenData products are ideal for a wide range of applications that need high capacity storage including creative video, medical imaging and many engineering or scientific projects.
Promise Technology
“Promise Technology Inc. is a recognized global leader in the storage industry and the leading developer of high-performance storage solutions, designed for the data center, surveillance, cloud and rich media markets. Always striving to meet the rigorous demands of our customers, Promise has earned a reputation for developing innovative storage solutions for vertical markets which deliver practical answers to the business challenges facing large enterprise corporations, small to medium businesses, security integrators and creative professionals.”
Quantum Data Storage
“Quantum is a leading expert in scale-out tiered storage, archive and data protection, providing intelligent solutions for capturing, sharing and preserving digital assets over the entire data lifecycle. We help customers maximize the value of these assets to achieve their goals, whether it’s top movie studios looking to create the next blockbuster, researchers working to accelerate scientific discovery, or small businesses trying to streamline their operations. With a comprehensive portfolio of best-in-class disk, tape and software solutions for physical, virtual and cloud environments, we enable customers to address their most demanding workfow challenges and opportunities.”
Farmer's Wife
“Farmer's Wife (The Digital Farmer) prides itself in creating harmony out of chaos. Founded in 1999, and headquartered in Spain, we have reached 6 global offices and over 20,000 users worldwide. When time is of the essence and extreme organization is the key, there is one company you can count on to fulfll that need. Farmer's Wife”
Studio Network Solutions
“Studio Network Solutions (SNS) specializes in shared storage hardware and software solutions for the Media and Entertainment industry. Since our beginning in 1998 we’ve continuously applied unmatched ingenuity and experience to create outstanding products that exceed industry expectations, while providing outstanding support to our customers. As innovators with unmatched industry experience, expertise, and passion, our goal is to create unique products that extend beyond a single function and enhance the entire content creation workflow from beginning to end.”
THOR Broadcast
THOR Broadcast have been trusted manufacturers of CATV and Fiber Transport equipment for over 2 decades in telecommunications, sports, education, hotel guest experience, TV studios, casinos, house of worship, and Live events. Thier award-winning CATV Encoder Modulators have been touted globally as an all-inclusive headend in a box, encoding any input HDMI/SDI/CVBS/YpPbr in Mpeg2/H.264 and outputting on RF/IP/ASI in Ultra-Low Latency simultaneously makes it a perfect fit for any application.
TradeGecko is empowering eCommerce and wholesale merchants to become as fast and efficient as the world's biggest online stores. TradeGecko fuses inventory management operations, critical business applications and online commerce to build the central core of wholesale and eCommerce business operations. TradeGecko is a cloud-based inventory management platform for small to medium-sized businesses that want effortless commerce.